Early detection of occurrence of Fertilization
Mom already knows the fertile time when Mom and committed intimate relationship at the fertile time, and how to know from the beginning that conception has occurred?
In general, fertilization can happen in the span of one week after menstruation Mom or 14 days before the next menstrual cycle. Within 7 to 10 days, which was fertilized egg cell will be embedded in the uterine wall. This is a critical time in order to conceive successfully.
Mom can detect whether fertilization occurs with success through the following ways:
Measure the body temperature every day when waking up in the morning, before leaving the bed, before going to the bathroom. Body temperature will be slightly down before fertilization occurs and then going up again. Body temperature will continue to rise in the next two days, between -0.6 0.4 degrees higher than normal body temperature.
There was discomfort at the bottom of the stomach. This pain usually occurs in seconds from the occurrence of conception. It could be, Mama will also experience pain in the lower back, but the pain and the pain lasted only intermittently only.
Cervical mucus or fluid / vagi*nal mucus will become thinner as they approach the conception.
Look also change the color of the vagi*nal lips. This color change can also be indicative of the occurrence of ovulation. Normal color is pink and when Mama ovulate transformed into a pale color.
If Mom would like to be more confident again conception occurred, it's better to do a pregnancy test pack or test to your obstetrician for more definite results.
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