women stages of pregnancy are divided into three trimesters. The first trimester is the first 12 weeks since last menstrual women. The first three months are generally to be exciting times, thrilling, once full of question marks and a great curiosity. Because at this time there is a development in itself women awesome. Many changes occur during the first trimester, so Mom needs to pay attention to everything that is needed. What should be done and what should not be done during this period. women need to be vigilant to avoid things that are not desirable.
It's important for Mom to look at everything that is experienced and felt, because this phase is the period in which the fertilized egg is formed and continue to grow into a fetus. Let women, we look with a few key things in the first trimester of pregnancy women.
Morning sickness
This is a common symptom that appears when women became pregnant. The symptoms are uncomfortable this happens because the hormones in the body women is changing and preparing to support the pregnancy for 9 months. women became more frequent urination, heart felt palpitations, nausea and stomach. Levels of morning sickness vary, ranging from mild to severe. She does not need to worry, because in general these symptoms appear until the end of the first trimester only. Build confidence women that pregnancy is a gift and a fun time. So women would have a positive mindset during pregnancy especially in the first trimester. women's good eating in small portions but often that women is not nausea and vomiting.
women, do not forget to always provide beverages and snacks that contain low salinity near the bedside. Snacks that can be served, among others such as crackers, whole wheat bread, or fruits.
Emotional Changes
Not infrequently women was very unstable, because at this time you become emotionally volatile. women became more irritable, erratic moods, even weepy. This can be triggered by feelings were still mixed women because they feel happy, excited, and confused. women needs to build a nice atmosphere so as not badmood. Try to listen to music that makes women feel happy and comfortable. Talking and sharing with friends who have been pregnant first or someone with more experience will give you peace. Chatting with them will help women start pregnancy with considerable insight. women also can join a forum or community on the web pregnant women particular.
Physical changes
At this time the stomach women does not necessarily bulge. Even other people may not be aware of pregnancy women, because the stomach will begin to appear to bulge in the fourth. The changes are felt is breast size changed quite rapidly. Bra women will feel tight and uncomfortable. Start wearing a bra with a larger size so that women did not feel shortness of breath. Weight gain is also not too high women. Especially if Mom had a pretty severe morning sickness, usually just the weight will drop. After the first trimester morning sickness passed and women reduced appetite will recover and begin to decrease nausea. At that women can eat various kinds of food and nutritional intake with a more enjoyable, so the weight will increase.
It is important to note
1. Spotting or bleeding
According to dr. Farid Sp.OG of UB Women and Children Hospital, not all spotting or bleeding is a sign of miscarriage. But that does not mean as normal, even though the bleeding may stop on its own. Then women needs wasapada, if there is spotting or bleeding immediately consult a gynecologist in order to be resolved soon.
2. Miscarriage
Many miscarriages occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Recognize signs such as vaginal bleeding, severe cramps in the lower abdomen (much more pain than a women feel cramps during menstruation), or there is blood clots out of the vagina. If this happens, the possibility of a miscarriage women. Immediately contact your doctor to obtain a proper and thorough examination. Miscarriage is caused by several factors. One of them because she was too much exertion and fatigue. So it is advisable to women beristirahan so much during this first trimester.
3. Pregnant wine
Pregnant wine is also known as an ectopic pregnancy. Pregnancy occurs when the embryo attaches to the uterine wall fails women and thrive in the fallopian tubes. This condition is very dangerous, because if the fallopian tubes then decays women's life would be endangered. Common symptoms that appear are the stinging pain on one side of the lower abdomen. Immediately check for pregnancy women if such signs appear.
4. Water and fruit juice
At this time, women often nausea and vomiting, then Mom should drink lots of water or fruit juice to treat dehydration. Drinking large amounts of water can also help Mom when disturbed bowel obstruction or constipation.
5. A healthy diet
A healthy diet is an important part during pregnancy. Look for information about the number of balanced nutrition and a healthy menu that women needed for the health of mother and fetus.
6. Police
Make it a habit to brush your teeth after eating or after experiencing vomiting. Replace women underwear more often, to avoid moisture because women frequent urination as well as increased vaginal discharge. If necessary women can use thin pads. women also need to keep on hand anywhere and anytime. If necessary take hand washing gel without rinse, so that her hand to avoid germs.
7. Consumption of drugs
During pregnancy, women had to be careful and cautious in consuming drugs. women should only take medicine as prescribed and the doctor's instructions. This is very important especially in the first trimester because the developing fetus are particularly vulnerable to the side effects of drugs that women drink.
According to dr. Farid Sp.OG of UB Women and Children Hospital, not all spotting or bleeding is a sign of miscarriage. But that does not mean as normal, even though the bleeding may stop on its own. Then women needs wasapada, if there is spotting or bleeding immediately consult a gynecologist in order to be resolved soon.
2. Miscarriage
Many miscarriages occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Recognize signs such as vaginal bleeding, severe cramps in the lower abdomen (much more pain than a women feel cramps during menstruation), or there is blood clots out of the vagina. If this happens, the possibility of a miscarriage women. Immediately contact your doctor to obtain a proper and thorough examination. Miscarriage is caused by several factors. One of them because she was too much exertion and fatigue. So it is advisable to women beristirahan so much during this first trimester.
3. Pregnant wine
Pregnant wine is also known as an ectopic pregnancy. Pregnancy occurs when the embryo attaches to the uterine wall fails women and thrive in the fallopian tubes. This condition is very dangerous, because if the fallopian tubes then decays women's life would be endangered. Common symptoms that appear are the stinging pain on one side of the lower abdomen. Immediately check for pregnancy women if such signs appear.
4. Water and fruit juice
At this time, women often nausea and vomiting, then Mom should drink lots of water or fruit juice to treat dehydration. Drinking large amounts of water can also help Mom when disturbed bowel obstruction or constipation.
5. A healthy diet
A healthy diet is an important part during pregnancy. Look for information about the number of balanced nutrition and a healthy menu that women needed for the health of mother and fetus.
6. Police
Make it a habit to brush your teeth after eating or after experiencing vomiting. Replace women underwear more often, to avoid moisture because women frequent urination as well as increased vaginal discharge. If necessary women can use thin pads. women also need to keep on hand anywhere and anytime. If necessary take hand washing gel without rinse, so that her hand to avoid germs.
7. Consumption of drugs
During pregnancy, women had to be careful and cautious in consuming drugs. women should only take medicine as prescribed and the doctor's instructions. This is very important especially in the first trimester because the developing fetus are particularly vulnerable to the side effects of drugs that women drink.
Things to avoid
1. Caffeine
women pregnant should reduce the consumption of caffeine in the form of drinks and food because it will affect the growth of the fetus. Caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also caffeinated soft drinks, yogurt coffee, tea and chocolate. Caffeine has a diuretic effect, absorb water, and calcium from the body. In addition to inhibiting women getting enough rest, caffeine also interfere with iron absorption in women and baby.
2. Cigarette
If there is a women who smoke, it is time to stop this habit. Smoking is hazardous to the health and development of the fetus women. Also avoid tobacco smoke, do not let women women and fetuses in utero exposure to secondhand smoke.
3. Alcohol
Alcohol is a serious threat to the developing fetus. Consuming alcohol will cause a lot of problems. Cause alcohol syndrome baby, causing the baby was born with a small size, mental disorders, dual disorders, and higher mortality.
4. High fat
Avoid foods that contain high levels of fat or greasy like coconut dish, fried or fatty meats. High fat foods would trigger nausea and vomiting.
5. Sharp aroma
Avoid various kinds of odors that sting or do not like, it's to prevent Mom from nausea and vomiting. So also with the scent of perfume, you should use a perfume that smelled women fresh and light so that no dizziness or nausea when inhaled.
Some noteworthy records so that women can through the trimester
The first smoothly and comfortably. Congratulations welcomed with joy and enjoyed every miracle in pregnancy women.
women pregnant should reduce the consumption of caffeine in the form of drinks and food because it will affect the growth of the fetus. Caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also caffeinated soft drinks, yogurt coffee, tea and chocolate. Caffeine has a diuretic effect, absorb water, and calcium from the body. In addition to inhibiting women getting enough rest, caffeine also interfere with iron absorption in women and baby.
2. Cigarette
If there is a women who smoke, it is time to stop this habit. Smoking is hazardous to the health and development of the fetus women. Also avoid tobacco smoke, do not let women women and fetuses in utero exposure to secondhand smoke.
3. Alcohol
Alcohol is a serious threat to the developing fetus. Consuming alcohol will cause a lot of problems. Cause alcohol syndrome baby, causing the baby was born with a small size, mental disorders, dual disorders, and higher mortality.
4. High fat
Avoid foods that contain high levels of fat or greasy like coconut dish, fried or fatty meats. High fat foods would trigger nausea and vomiting.
5. Sharp aroma
Avoid various kinds of odors that sting or do not like, it's to prevent Mom from nausea and vomiting. So also with the scent of perfume, you should use a perfume that smelled women fresh and light so that no dizziness or nausea when inhaled.
Some noteworthy records so that women can through the trimester
The first smoothly and comfortably. Congratulations welcomed with joy and enjoyed every miracle in pregnancy women.
You visit How To Get Pregnant