Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How to Accelerate Pregnancy Naturally

How to Accelerate Pregnancy Naturally

How to Accelerate Pregnancy Naturally
Pregnancy is an exciting moment and so on later for a married cou-ple. To obtain the pregnancy, you can be with the same partner for a healthy lifestyle change. Here are some tip's and How to Accelerate Pregnancy How Natural are expected to manifest your desires and your partner to have a baby fast.

    A diet should be healthy. Increase consumption of vegetables, fruits, and water to smooth the process of metabolism. Healthy and nutritious di-et balanced also helps you keep the weight remained within the normal range.

    Know when the most fertile period. Ovulation is the best time when a woman can get pregnant. Women should maintain a list of ovulation day so he could quickly get pregnant easily. Noting day's of menstruation for 3 months continuously will help you find the most fertile period.
    Leave bad habit's. Your body should be free of any chemical compounds that can interfere with the fertilization of an egg by a sperm cell, and the future growth and development of the  fetus. Bad habit's can increase the risk of miscarriage.
    Changing eating habit's. To ensure that you increase your fertility, you should eat foods that are healthy and nutritious. There are some foods that help you to get pregnant, such as green vegetables, food's rich in fiber and antioxidants and folic acid, which improves the function of the reproductive system. Soy products, nuts, egg yolks, potatoes, wheat flour, cabbage, asparagus, beets, bananas, broccoli and brussel sprouts rich in folic acid.
    Cope with stress. Stress is one of the reason's that can cause infertility problem's. Immediately overcome your stress, for example by practicing yoga or doing fun thing's. Moderate exercise can also help you relieve stress and accelerate the pregnancy.
    Compact. Besides his wife, the husband also needs to have good health. To improve the quality and quantity of sperm cells, the father should avoid wearing tight underwear made of synthetic materials and reducing consumption of caffeine, and quit smoking.
    Check the weight. This is another way to increase fertility. If you are very underweight or even overweight, the chances of conception becomes very low. Consult your doctor before making any diet. You need to know how much weight to be achieved and to do it in a healthy way.
    Exact position. Choose se-x positions that allow you to function as a "cup" that holds the sperm cell's. Your position at the bottom and a couple on top is the right choice.
    A healthy se-x life. Many women who experience decreased fertility due to lack of quality and quantity of se-x. Busy schedules, work pressure and lack of time has made the pair rarely have se-x.