Monday, January 21, 2013

Let Know Vitro

Let Know Vitro

When the conjugal relationship is done conventionally not able to deliver the sperm cells to the uterus ovaries, IVF may be an alternative for the couple to have a child. In Indonesia, IVF is rarely done. The cost is very expensive lead that troubled couples to have children are reluctant to choose IVF as an alternative solution. In addition, the pros and cons on the validity of the IVF way - for married couples that have a child - if judged from the perspective of religion, is also a major consideration for most people. Not surprisingly, they tend to avoid the end of this program.

The fact that the candidate you become pregnant in the laboratory and not in the bed did not affect prospective women opportunity to have a healthy baby. When all other factors equal, such as age, condition of the uterus, and the number of fetuses, there is no increase in complications such as preterm delivery, high blood pressure because of the pregnancy, the birth of a long period of preparation, complications at birth, or it needs a C-section for prospective women contains IVF. There was a slight increase in the average number of miscarriages, but it is possible that all candidates containing IVF women always closely monitored. Any pregnancies that are diagnosed every miscarriage would be recorded.

Here are some considerations when deciding to undergo IVF:

    Having a strong belief that the IVF process works.
    Maintaining optimal health prior to sperm injection performed. It aims to control the hormone the body to fit the expected and lasted for about three weeks.
    Preparations for spending the egg from the uterus and the selection process to get the best eggs.
    Preparation through the process of egg injection into the uterus after the egg is fertilized by In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
    After the injection is completed, the wife had to go back prepared to get hormone injections to strengthen the egg for 17 days. Only after that can be detected if the pregnancy could occur or otherwise.

Phase-making test-tube babies:

   The first stage, stage preparation Ovum Pick (Per-Uvu) covering phase down-regulation and stimulation therapy. Phase down-regulation is a process for creating a state like menopause to be ready to accept the therapy of ovarian stimulation. This stage lasts between two weeks to one month. After down-regulation phase is completed and followed by stimulation therapy. The goal of therapy is to stimulate the growth of follicles in the ovary. Thus, an increasing number of which in turn can be obtained eggs that have been matured when it comes to picking operation ovum.
    The second phase, the operational phase picking ovum / Ovum Pick-Up (OPU). This stage can be done when there are already three or more follicles with a diameter of 18 mm in the morning and folikelnya uniform growth. In addition, levels of E2 must also achieve 200pg/ml per mature follicle.
    The third stage, the stage of OPU-post. This stage includes two phases, namely embryo transfer and pregnancy support drug therapy. Phase embryo transfer is the process of inserting two or a maximum of three embryos that have been selected into the uterus. Once this process is completed and then continued with the pregnancy supporting drug therapy. The goal of therapy is to prepare the uterus to receive an embryo implantation embryo that can grow normally.

Preparation yourself as possible is an important thing to do from the beginning chose IVF to be able to undergo prosedure set and get the optimal results.