If Pregnancy Does Not Come
When celebrating a first wedding anniversary, the most special gift must be a question, "Why, do not get pregnant?" Questions will also be rolled as a big family having a party or social gathering. Answer normative will slide, not planning to have a baby, has not been given or even answered with humor. Still in the learning phase the child, not to become an expert.
But it will be different when the elapsed time exceeds 24 months. The more anxious again when some advice from family and friends have been practiced include calculating the fertile period, but still regularly visited by a 'guest'. As for the consultation go to a gynecologist, is not as easy as going to a GP because of strep throat. Mental readiness required to meet with the obstetrician, and hear all the explanations about reproductive health mommy and dad.
When it intends to consult a doctor, there are still many doubts in the minds of mommy and dad. Especially phobia medical outcomes will prove that one of mommy or dad experiencing infertility. Ideally, these fears must be removed because the sooner it is an opportunity to get a baby will be more wide open.
According to Dr. Irene Kris, mommy reproduction tools more and more complicated than owned dad. So, the doctor who was called Irene's Mami suggest dad that checked first. In addition to cheaper, causes infertility even less. Fertility problems in dad usually is the quality and quantity of sperm are low. Less intake of fiber and vitamins, especially zinc to be one of the causes. In addition, obesity, depression, fatigue, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can also be a trigger.
Mommy is more likely than dad, the risk is caused by, among others, the number of eggs inadequate parent, a blocked fallopian tubes, uterus problems, mouth her womb is not perfect, and there are several other factors that can all be explained medically.
Fertility problems are a common problem. Fertility problems only experienced by 10-15% of couples who want to have children. The fact that couples have sexual intercourse regularly for one year without contraceptives, 85-90% will get pregnant.
Although most assumptions mommy always cornering position as a major cause of infertility, based on the above facts mommy do not be discouraged because infertility is not the same as infertility.
Almost all cases of infertility can be solved by medical means, so keep thinking rationally in the face of the fact that the arrival of the child in the middle of mommy and dad takes patience and time that is longer than the other pair. If Pregnancy Does Not Come. Keep good communication with your partner, gynecologists and the most important thing is to motivate yourself.
You read If Pregnancy Does Not Come on How to get a pregnant