Toxoplasma convicted, whether Pregnant Fast?
Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a protozoan (single-celled animals) Toxoplasma gondii. Basically everyone can hit Toxoplasma, male or female. But there are some people who really need this Toxoplasma examination, such as women of childbearing age, pregnant women, newborns whose mothers were positive for infection with Toxoplasma during pregnancy, and patients suspected of being infected. In Toxoplasma typically have no symptoms when infected. If the Mommy candidate Toxoplasma infection, not to worry and feel it would be difficult to conceive. Keep doing regular inspections and periodic according to the instructions and suggestions obstetrician. Because of the way to diagnose this infection depends on laboratory tests.
Ideally, any candidate planning a pregnancy Mommy parasite examination directly or through examination of specific toxoplasma antibodies Ig G, ie antibody that appears after Ig M and will usually settle for life in people infected or never infected. At Mommy prospective pregnancy, as early as possible (if you have not previously or negative results) to re-do the test Ig G and Ig M Toxoplasma. If the result is negative, the required monitoring every 3 months in the remainder of the pregnancy. Ig M is the first antibody increases dioxide in case of Toxoplasma infection. When Ig G and Ig M positive is not necessarily infected with Toxoplasma, do further tests Ig G avidity to estimate when the infection occurred (before or during pregnancy). But the main thing is compared to test prevention. Cleanliness remains a major factor in preventing the transmission of protozoa. Use gloves when gardening or contact with soil, soil contaminated with Toxoplasma through cat feces are a potential source of infection.
Here's your interpretation of test Toxoplasma:
When Ig G (-) and Ig M (+)
This case is rare, the possibility of an early infection.
Must be inspected again 3 weeks later, judging whether Ig G turned to (+).
If not changed, then the non-specific Ig M, concerned not infected with Toxoplasma.
When Ig G (-) and Ig M (-)
Have never been infected and at risk for infection. When you are pregnant, need to be monitored every 3 months for the rest of pregnancy (doctors know the condition and needs of examination Mommy candidates ). Take precautions to avoid infection.
When Ig G (+) and Ig M (+)
The possibility of having a new primary infection or past infection but may also Ig M was still detectable or later disappear. Therefore it is necessary to test Ig G affinity directly on the same serum to estimate when the infection occurred, whether before or after pregnancy.
When Ig G (+) and Ig M (-)
Been infected Before. If inspection is done at the beginning of pregnancy, meaning the infection occurred long (before pregnancy) and now have some immunity, henceforth no longer need to be examined. If there are other considerations, the doctor will ask permission for further investigation as needed.
Infections that occur before pregnancy do not need to worry, only the primary infection occurs during Mommy pregnancy dangerous, especially in Trimester I. Detection as early as possible so that the doctor can provide immediate treatment or take the necessary action.