Sunday, April 27, 2014

Why Pregnant Women Frequent urination

Why Pregnant Women Frequent urination

Why Pregnant Women Frequent urination

Why Pregnant Women Frequent urination, these symptoms occur even before knowing that she was pregnant. Increased urination habits started at week 6 of pregnancy, until the first trimester ends. However, some are starting to feel it at the age of 12-14 weeks gestation. This is the cause!

  1.     Blood volume increases dramatically. As a result, the fluid to be filtered kidneys, which were removed from the body in urine. The increase in blood volume that occur in the pelvic area, as well cause the bladder is full, and must be emptied more often.
  2.     Enlarged kidney and urinary tract, due to increased levels of the hormone progesterone that have occurred since Fetal candidates embedded in the uterine wall.
  3.     Enlarged uterine size so urgent bladder under the uterus. As a result, power Bladder capacity is reduced , so it must be emptied more often.
  4.     Gestational diabetes, the diabetes that only lasts for the duration of pregnancy.

Ways to overcome :
  1.     Reduce consumption of fluid that triggers the formation of urine, which is caffeinated coffee, tea, soda.
  2.     Drink on during the day, and less at night. So you still can meet the needs of fluids you should consume. If you have to go back and forth to the restroom, it premature done during the day, so it does not interfere with your night's sleep.
  3.     Complete bladder emptying whenever urination.
  4.     Go to the restroom before leaving for work and home. These lessen the hassles you are looking for the toilet on the way.

Beware when appearing discomfort during urination, such as burning taste. It is signs of urinary tract infection, which is often experienced by pregnant women. Immediately consult your gynecologist.
Why Pregnant Women Frequent urination