Monday, February 11, 2013

Causes of Infertility The Husband

Causes of Infertility The Husband

Causes of Infertility The Husband

As many as 40% of cases of infertility in marriage caused by the dis-ruption of the fertility of the husband. Here are some health problems that are common causes of infertility in man, namely:


Varicocele is the condition of the swelling or dilation of blood vessels around the pe-nis male testicles caused by an abnormal temperature. Increased testicular temperature can reduce yield and quality of male sperm- cells.

Ejaculation reverse (retrograde)

The current condition of the fluid does not come out the pe-nis during ejaculation, and it flows into the bladder. This condition can be caused by diabetes or because of the influence of drugs.

Abnormal hormone

Hormonal disorders usually the main factor causing infertility. If there is a hormonal disorder, then it will come down gonadotrofin hormone and sperm- production will also decrease. Sperm- are few in number usually caused by a deficiency of the hormone testosterone.

Se-xually Transmitted Diseases

This disease will affect a man's ability to produce healthy sperm-. Ge-nital infections such as Gonorrhea and chlamydia will reduce the ability of sperm movement, affect male reproductive organs. Besides se-xually transmitted diseases also cause sperm- duct blockage and inflammation of the prostate and male urethra.


Is the condition when the father has undescended testicles. Normally the testicles move down into the scrotum or testicles. While in this case, undescended testicles produce sperm- that can not be, because it is still in the body where the temperature is much higher than in the scrotum.

E-rectile Disorders

Se-xual dysfunction is caused by different factors, both physical and psychological. Inability e-rection will of course impact on the inability of eja-culation so that fertilization can not occur naturally.

Tubes Sperm- Blockage

Sperm- are produced in the testes. During ejaculation, sperm- will move through a small channel called the epididymis and then moving through the larger channels, called the vas deferens. Blockage of this channel may be a fertility problem.

Dry Or-gasm

This is a very specific case, occurs when a man has an or-gasm without ejaculation. This is commonly called a receding eja-culation because semen / semen enters the bladder instead. The reason could be due to the influence of certain drugs, surgery, diabetes, or multiple sclerosis (inflammation of nerve tissue that causes disturbances in the brain and spinal cord)


Sometimes, male infertility is caused by the presence of antibodies produced by the immune system to turn off sperm- activity. This condition often occurs after vasectomy (vas deferens duct cutting operations)


In the postoperative period, male prostate tissues often have problems, such as e-rectile dysfunction, infertility, and incontinence (unable to hold urine)


In conditions of stress, sperm- production will be disrupted. Therefore it is very important for father candidates who are trying to have a baby to be able to organize the emotional and mental strengthening, so avoid stress or depression.

You read Causes of Infertility The Husband on How to get pregnant