Facts and Myths About the Conception
When you are planning a pregnancy mom, mom will surely increase knowledge and seek information from multiple sources to improve the chances of getting pregnant mom. But it should not direct mom to believe things that mom read or heard, because there are several myths about conception and a lot of effort to get pregnant but it is not believed the right. Listen truth of these myths below:
Myth: Fertilization will occur faster when Mom having se-x in the morning or during the day in a state of light.
Fact: Several studies have indeed shown that sperm counts are higher in the morning, but there was no evidence to support the claim that se-xual intercourse should be done with the lights on.
Myth: Having se-x every day increases the chances of getting pregnant mom
Fact: Research conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) found that the pregnancy rate among couples who have se-x every day no different from se-x with a partner who does not every day. The number of male sperm would likely be reduced if he eja-culates more often. What is more important is not to have se-x every day, but regular se-x during the fertile mom, which is 6 days after ovulation. Before the fertile women, men should stop premature to wait jumllah increasing sperm. Then intercourse should be performed no more than once a day during the fertile period. When this is done, then the chances of pregnancy will increase.
Myth: mom had lower body lift mom higher than his head after having se-x in order to increase chances of pregnancy
Fact: Research shows that mom sufficiently stretched for 5 minutes after having se-x to help the process of fertilization. No extreme position to mom do to 'help' the sperm reach the egg faster.
Myth: Intercourse early in the fertile period would produce a boy, while the intimate relationship at the end of the fertile period would produce daughters
Fact: A study conducted NEJM shows that there is no difference between an intimate relationship with the baby's se-x. If Mom wants to try to produce a baby with a specific gender, a study conducted Universities of Exeter and Oxford in the UK may be able to help. This study determined that when a prospective mom consume more calories at the time of conception, more precisely 2200 calories, the opportunity to produce a baby mom men in a slight increase.
Myth: The bike ride will reduce the number of sperm father
Fact: When father is a bike Olympic athletes who often cycled with high intensity and frequency, in theory it could happen, but it has not been clinically proven. But if cycling is only for entertainment father, father and mom not to worry
Myth: Ovulation occurs 14 days after menstruation
Fact: The couple are trying to have children or just want to avoid pregnancy are usually just follow this myth to improve or even eliminate the chance of pregnancy. In fact, according to research conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, only 30% of fertile women in their menstrual cycles 10-17 days. The calculation of ovulation on day 14 could be used as a general rule, but not the most effective way to estimate the fertile period.
Myth: Artificial lubricants do not reduce the chance of pregnancy
Fact: Couples who are trying to have a child is usually trying to increase the frequency of intercourse when the woman's fertile period. At times like this, artificial lubricants that can be found in pharmacies are usually used to help during intercourse. When in fact an artificial lubricant can actually reduce the chances of conception. Va-ginal pH level is good for conception is between 7.0 - 8.5. But most artificial lubricants that can be found on the market have a pH below 7, which could hinder the movement of sperm and even kill sperm. Therefore, if mom often use artificial lubricants during se-x, seek lubricant with pH levels between 7.0 - 8.5.
Myth: Women should have an or-gasm during intercourse so that the process of fertilization occurs
Fact: Fertilization is not affected at all by whether or not a woman or-gasms during intercourse. In other words, the process of fertilization can still occur, although women do not experience or-gasm during intercourse. But research conducted by British biologist in 1990 found that muscle contraction experienced by women during or-gasm helped pull a man's sperm from the va-gina to the uterus, thus increasing the chances of sperm reaching the egg.
After sorting out the myths and truths about conception, may be efforts to get pregnant mom and father will lead to success and dreams mom and father to have a baby is achieved.