Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Abstinence Food While Pregnant

Abstinence Food While Pregnant

Eating good nutritious food, vitamins and supplements are an important part of mother pregnancy, because with good nutrition will produce children  "perfect" physically and mentally according to what we expect.

Pregnant mother should have to pick and choose foods that can be consumed or living a healthy life. If the mother does not eat haphazardly or clean and healthy, will affect the developing fetus, because the mother's diet will also be a food baby.

Some recommended foods consumed by the mother during pregnancy is a rich protein foods, fruits, vegetables that have been washed clean and fresh green, red beans, brown rice, wheat, broccoli, yogurt, milk, butter and other.

So what foods are forbidden or taboo eaten by a pregnant mother? Why not be consumed?

pregnant women should reduce their intake of sugar, artificial sweeteners, and caffeine as in coffee, tea and soft drinks. mothers who used to smoke and drink alcohol, you should stop the habit. Because smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages will decrease the chance of pregnancy by 50% and reduce the quality and quantity of sper*m.

Other foods that should be avoided are:

    Instant noodles: to make this meal durable and long lasting, no MSG content in it. MSG consumed in excess, is expected to interfere with the growth of fetal nerve and become one of the triggers neurological disorders when the child was born.
    Food additives: dyes are generally easy to see on food packaging. Therefore, when choosing packaged foods, look at the content of dyes in food composition.
    Frozen foods: women should avoid eating frozen foods, for allegedly contains a lot of salt and, while women who are pregnant and are prohibited from consuming excessive salt. If one wanted to eat frozen foods, frozen foods should be selected organic low salt and fat.
    For women who are pregnant and working in the office, lunch problem can sometimes be a problem because a big appetite temporarily break or lunch only briefly, so the fast food often an option. Most of the fast food made from processed meat and veggies / lettuce, which may not be fresh and bacteria are not monitored. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid frozen food, and checking food labels if forced to consume.
    Avoid eating raw or undercooked meat such as satay, steak, because it contains toxoplasmosis (a parasite that causes serious infection in the fetus)
    Tuna steaks, shark, or king-sized fish are known to contain high levels of mercury, can cause nerve damage if consumed in large quantities.
    Raw vegetables: preferably, mothers avoid eating raw vegetables served as vegetables or lettuce. Vegetables that are not cooked or boiled, not feared washed and contains impurities, pesticides, toxoplasmosis and listeria bacteria that are harmful to the pregnancy.
    Raw eggs: foods that contain raw eggs should be avoided because they contain salmonella. Such as salad dressing or a variety of other types of mayonnaise.
    Sushi: derived from fish or seafood. Although seafood is a source of protein, but raw seafood can be a source of parasites and harmful bacteria. Instead, mothers choose meat that has been cooked thoroughly.

Important to remember, eating is a must for women who are pregnant. Although in the first trimester, the mother may have difficulty eating because of the nausea and vomiting that often occurs, but still consume food, although must be enforced.

By following the diet four of five perfectly healthy, varied diet reproduce, prepared from fresh ingredients, vitamin given gynecologist. Mother's pregnancy and delivery would be smooth, healthy baby and the mother did not experience anything.

Sources Review:
    My baby, my son, dr. Purnawati S. Pujiarto, Spak, MMPed, Digest 2005.
    Smart Guide Pregnancy and Childbirth, Goddess Cendika ZR and Indarwati, Revelation Media.