Monday, June 3, 2013

Best and Worst Food for Babies

Best and Worst Food for Babies
Best and Worst Food for Babies

Future awaited finally arrived, when introducing the child to the Complementary feeding (solids). Before starting to set up a full menu of nutrients for your baby, consider first the list of the best foods for infants and worst below.

Best food for babies

Foods below includes the best food for infants not only because it is full of necessary nutrients son Mama, but also because it is easy to prepare.

1. Flask
Pumpkin is a nutritional source of vitamin A and C are naturally sweet.

2. Lentils
Lentils are a type of nut Indian flat round shape and orange yellow. These beans can be bought in supermarkets or in Indian spice shop. Lentils are also rich in nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin B, iron, calcium and a good source of protein for the body. Lentils also are antioxidants that effectively prevent the entry of free radicals by increasing the body's resistance.

3. Dark leafy vegetables
Green vegetables have a nutritional iron and folate in high numbers. One example is spinach.

4. Broccoli
Broccoli contains nutrients folate, fiber, and calcium. In addition, broccoli is also known as the ingredient that helps fight cancer.

5. Blueberries
Dark blue blueberries come from substances called anthocyanins, which are very good for the development of the eye, brain, urinary tract and even the little guy

6. Avocado
Avocados are rich in unsaturated fatty nutrients. Even the nutritional composition of avocado fat milk is very similar to Mama. Unsaturated fats are the good kind of fat and baby needs for brain development.

7. Meat
Mama might not think meat baby food. But with nutritional zinc and iron, meat should not be missed.

8. Papaya fruit
When first introduced to solid foods, there is the possibility of your child having a bowel obstruction. Papaya is a natural remedy for constipation due to the high fiber content. 1 or 2 teaspoons of papaya juice mixed with formula or breast milk so Mama potent medicine for constipation baby. Papaya can also be served with cereal.

9. Mandarin oranges
Mandarin oranges are rich in nutrients Vitamin C and anti-oxidants. If Mama would serve canned Mandarin oranges into the small, buy canned Mandarin oranges are packed with water, and not containing added sugar syrup.

Worst foods for babies

Basically foods that are not recommended for infants are foods high in sugar content, calories, salt, and low in nutrients. Eating junk food is more dangerous for babies and toddlers than adults, because infants and toddlers do not need a lot of calories, but it needs more nutrients. Here's 5 worst foods for infants:

1. Soft drinks
Believe it or not, based on the survey results the American Dietetic Association (ADA) to more than 3,000 families in 2009, some babies have started to consume soft drinks since the age of 7 months! Carbonated beverages contain no nutrients at all whatsoever and contain high levels of sugar that can damage baby teeth.

2. Juice in containers
Juice is bad for the baby juice in containers that contain a lot of preservatives and sugar. Although made of fruit, but the fiber of fresh fruit will be lost in the process of making juice. All that remains is the high sugar content. Juice can cause diarrhea for some babies. To provide vitamin C to babies, fresh fruit is the more appropriate choice.

In addition, the first year of life, babies do not need a drink other than breast milk or infant formula. Infants under 6 months should consume only breast milk or formula, while infants aged 6 months - 1 year old should consume water with milk and formula as their main drink

3. Biscuit
Biscuits is easy to prepare, but less nutritious, high in sodium, and very filling. As a result, it could be your child likes to eat biscuits too so he does not want to eat food that is really nutritious. For snacks, fruit is a better choice. Mom looking for a snack or when a faster, low-sugar cereals have a better nutritional content than biscuits, its bad food for babies

4. Processed foods
The longer a food processing, nutrition is lost and chemicals that are added will also be more and more. Processed foods are the worst canned pasta ready meals that contain too much sodium.

5. Gelatin
Many people think of agar containing a high protein nutrition. But in fact the agar only contain sugar, artificial colorings, flavorings and additives. For nutrient-rich dessert, Mama could prepare baked apples are mashed and added a sprinkling of cinnamon. Dessert was a high nutritional fiber, vitamins, and naturally sweet with no added sugar.

Thanks for Reading Best and Worst Food for Babies