Nutrition In Pregnancy For Vegetarian Mother
The importance of good nutrition, healthy and nutritious makes babies grow and develop properly as we expect. There also needs fat in nutrients consumed should not be overlooked. But there are certain conditions for pregnant women who do not consume animal fats, namely maternal vegetarian. Being a vegetarian is a life choice not to consume food of animal origin. And what about the vegetarian pregnant women, but also animal food with ingredients your body needs? Take it easy, though not eating animal-based foods, vegetarian mother still can enjoy full of nutrients.
Balanced nutrition needs remain to be met are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. mothers who are pregnant vegetarians can meet nutrition through foods of plant material, such as dietary sources of protein are beans, vitamins contained in fruit and vegetables such as iron. Raw foods contain iron from plant material is more easily absorbed than those derived from the animal. So to increase the absorption of iron, vegetarian mothers who are pregnant should eat enough fruits containing high vitamin C.
As the fulfillment of calcium, pregnant mothers and classified vegetarian lacto-ovo vegetarians can still get calcium from milk or dairy products. But for some pure vegetarian mothers, mothers should eat lots of green leafy vegetables and nuts and shall enjoy B2 and B 12 supplementation.
Feel free to start a pregnancy even if the mother is a vegetarian, because the substances contained in the plant is also able to meet the nutritional needs for growth and maternal fetal development.
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Sources Review:
Pregnancy and Childbirth books. (Early Kasdu, Mila Meiliasari, Retno Purwaningsih - 3G Publisher)